John, it’s Jamie Raskin.

I’m humbly asking you to read every word of my urgent note below about the state of our country and Trump’s dangerous cult of personality -- but if you don’t have the time, will you join me now in supporting House Democrats by rushing $3 before the last End of Month Deadline of this election hits in just 24 hours?

Everywhere we look, the GOP has taken a dangerous turn to the far-right -- and they’re steadily undermining the basic institutions of our republic.

They didn’t hang their heads in shame after spreading dangerous lies about the 2020 election -- even though they helped incite a deadly insurrection at our Capitol which almost toppled the constitutional order.

They didn’t relent after they unleashed a nationwide attack on voting rights with their state-based voter suppression statutes.

And they didn’t stop their attacks on the right to choose -- even after the far-right Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

In fact, they’re intensifying and accelerating their loyalty to Donald Trump’s lies, their anti-democratic attacks, and their dangerous anti-choice agenda of making abortion a felony offense in America.

I won’t sugarcoat things, John: I’m alarmed by the shocking rightward drive of the GOP over the past few months even after the political violence and electoral sabotage we experienced on January 6, 2021.

As our democratic rights and freedoms come under attack like never before, I know we can’t afford to let these authoritarian cultists hold the reins in Congress ever again.

That’s why I’m asking you to stand with me and rush in $3 to elect more pro-choice and pro-freedom House Democrats before the last End of Month Deadline of this election. Will you step up at this make-or-break moment for our republic?
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Thank you for your solidarity,


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