John -

I know it’s the weekend, but our campaign doesn’t take any breaks with less than 10 days to go. And neither does our opponent.

I was just looking at the latest finance reports and … UGH! Our opponent is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars out of his own pocket to try to buy the race.

He’s getting no momentum with Minnesotans, so he’s using his own money to outspend Julie and try to buy this race.

We’re counting on you to change that. Tomorrow’s our last chance to up our digital budget before Election Day, so your help now is critical. Chip in now to help Julie reach as many voters as possible!

This guy is … ICK.

Out of all the statewide Republican candidates, he's got some of the most dangerous views -- like supporting a six week abortion ban and rolling back LGBTQ+ rights.


Can we count on you today? Chip in to give us a strong finish to this race and help keep Minnesota exceptional!

Thank you!

Burke Spizale
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States