CONTACT: Jessica Proud | [email protected] 

Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy on Joe Pinion Winning Tonight's Debate Tonight Against Chuck Schumer


October 30, 2022 

“Tonight, New Yorkers witnessed just a sliver of how Joe Pinion would fight for them if he were in the U.S. Senate He brilliantly dismantled the failed Biden-Schumer agenda and offered a vision for a better, brighter future for America that left Schumer utterly rattled. Chuck Schumer is the walking, talking embodiment of failed liberal policies. Every solution he offered was to throw more government money at the problem, which is exactly what has led to our 40-year inflation highs. That is, of course, except when it comes to our Constitution, which he happily wants to dismantle. He doesn’t think parents should have a choice in giving covid vaccines to their children, he opened the door to packing the Supreme Court and he doubled down on the disastrous Biden economy. 

“As Joe Pinion said tonight, ‘nothing will change if nothing changes’ and that is why we must retire 42-year failed politician Chuck Schumer and give New Yorkers a U.S. Senator who will fight and deliver change.” 
