We have been sounding the alarm about our opponent Tom Patti’s disgusting attack ads against Josh.
But voters are seeing them and it’s my job to tell you what's our plan to respond. If you can donate anything to help us execute this last effort, I’ll leave a link here.
Now let me tell you what we’re going to do:
First, we’re launching a brand new TV ad to confront these character assassinations. Voters need to know that Josh is a good representative with a record of standing up for our families.
Second, the deadline to launch new ads on Facebook (or Meta is what they call it these days) is tomorrow. If we reach our $50,000 goal by the deadline, we’ll be able to launch a brand new set of digital ads to get our message out to voters.
Finally, our organizing team is currently recruiting hundreds of volunteers to get out the vote in the final days of this campaign. We’re going to need extra campaign materials, clipboards, water and snacks to make sure our volunteers are stocked with everything they need!
All of this depends on whether we can reach our goal before the end-of-month deadline. We need to do everything in our power to fight back against these attacks. There is no more time left, it’s literally now or never.
So will you please rush in a generous donation of any amount today? I’ll leave a link below.
We wouldn’t be able to act so quickly without your support!
- Camille Torres
Campaign Manager, Josh Harder