Hi ,
Further to Peter’s
disturbing email on Friday (see below), I
am emailing one last time to ask for your support to protect our
democracy from the radical proposal to turn your local council into a
‘co-governed’ entity.
If this goes through,
unelected mana whenua appointees would sit next to elected (i.e.
democratically accountable) councillors, with the same powers and zero
ratepayer oversight.
The media coverage has been pathetic. This
was the only mention in our largest newspaper, The New Zealand

Did you miss it? I don’t blame you. This
was the only article:

If the media are going to be essentially
silent on this issue, the only thing stopping the Government is you,
me and the Taxpayers' Union.
Over the weekend, the team and I have been
in the office planning out the largest campaign we've ever embarked
on. This will be even larger than the Stop Three Waters effort, with
TV advertising, leaflet drops, and radio advertising all planned. But
only with your support can we make this plan a reality.
Friend, to put it
bluntly, what is the point in lobbying councils – or even voting in
elections – if some (possibly half) of the seats around the council
table will be unaccountable to you – the voter.
How can groups like the Taxpayers’ Union,
charities, or community civic groups achieve anything once many of the
decision makers are only accountable to an elite?
why we are being clear that we need your support now to protect
democracy before it's too late.
Just like with the He Puapua
report, the Government is saying that the Panel’s draft
recommendations are ‘not necessarily government policy’. We've seen
this trick before and we all know it's code for ‘not yet
Government policy’.
The Prime Minister is not committing to
equality of suffrage, ruling out co-governance, or emphasising that
democracy is a bottom line. This is simply shocking.
In effect, the Prime
Minister is not saying she disagrees, just that the Government will
wait until the public isn’t looking. We can't let her pull the wool
over our eyes.
This is what they did with
Environment Canterbury, which now has two Ngāi Tahu appointees with
exactly the same voting rights as elected councillors but who can’t be
voted out by local ratepayers. There can be no doubt that they are not
opposed to doing it everywhere else. That’s
why we are counting on your support to stop them.
here to make a secure and confidential donation to the Democracy
Defence Fund.
Thank you again for your cotinued
David Farrar Cofounder, Taxpayers' Union
ps. If you've already donated — the team
and I appreciate it, and will ensure it goes a long way to holding
Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta to account.
Sent from my iPhone.
From: Peter
Williams Date: Friday, 28 October 2022 at 2:52
PM To: Subject: URGENT:
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news

Dear Friend,
I'm sorry to be writing with some bad news. But today we found out Three Waters
was only the beginning...
I am
sending this most urgent email to you and every one of our most loyal
supporters who, like me, believe in democracy and accountability. As
you will soon see, , this is the most important issue the Taxpayers'
Union has ever had to tackle.
more than ever, we are counting on your support.
This morning, the Government's 'Future of Local Government
Review Panel' – a group of handpicked 'experts' appointed by Nanaia
Mahuta – released proposals that would fundamentally shift local
councils from democratic institutions into unaccountable 'co-governed'
I'm not going to mince my words here, Friend. Late last night, we
were leaked a confidential copy of the report's proposals – called
‘He mata whāriki he matawhānui’ – they include:
- Transferring a laundry list of powers that currently fall before
elected council directly to hapū/iwi and other Māori
- Appointing unelected positions by mana whenua to be given equal
status as elected members (including voting rights). But unlike the
councillors, the mana whenua representatives cannot be removed
at the ballot box;
- Requiring council staff to conform with ‘te ao Māori values’ by
- Funding of ‘Tiriti-based partnership in local governance’ (no
matter the cost to ratepayers, apparently);
- Removing the requirement for local referenda before changing the
voting system (for the remaining councillors to be elected) by
imposing STV across the country; and
- Lowering the local voting age to 16.
You couldn't make this up: the
future of democracy is at stake.
In what is either an Orwellian misstep, or an attempt to gaslight
you, Mahuta's Panel literally claim that these recommendations are to
"strengthen democracy". Imposing co-governance does not
increase democracy.
There is now no denying where
Ardern, Mahuta and the Government want to take New
At our Three Waters Roadshow events across New Zealand, we were
asked time and time again whether "Three Waters" was only the first
step of a radical plan to impose co-governance over all of New
Zealand. Today, the Report confirms that those fears were 100%
With so much of the media
now bought off, only the Taxpayers' Union can fight
As a former broadcaster, , I have seen the impact of the Taxpayers'
Union campaigns and I know you have too. The Stop Three Waters effort
exposed what Nanaia Mahuta is trying to do. The Road Show tour. The
100,000+ petition. The hundreds of road signs. The TV ads. The
record-breaking submission numbers. The recent election campaign
effort that saw hundreds of councillors committed to Stopping Three
Waters elected.
has assured me, and the whole Board, that contingent on your support,
the team can do it again.
The Stop Three Waters campaign gave opposition MPs and people such
as the new Auckland Mayor the confidence to come out swinging against
this Government's radical agenda. To
stop these new proposals, we need to do that once again and make these
proposals as unpopular as Three Waters. But we can only do this with
your support.
12 months ago, no one knew much about Three Waters. But now it's a
thorn in the side of Jacinda Ardern. That wasn't by chance.
ability to expose and hold the Government to account – and ensure
Kiwis know what is going on in Wellington – depends on the support
from our supporters like you.
We have to stop this
now, . It will be very difficult
for National to undo the damage.
We mustn't forget the National Party are responsible for putting us
on this path. It was John Key who allowed a river to become a person,
and for huge swathes of the conservation estate to become
In a democracy, we all need to be able hold decision makers
to account through fair, free and frequent elections with equal
suffrage. And when those spending our tax dollars get it
wrong, we – the voters – must have the power to remove them.
It's really that simple.
By allowing unelected individuals or groups to make decisions in
the council chamber, those in power are accountable to no one but
order to protect our democracy, these reforms
must be stopped in their tracks.
Thank you for continuing to stand with the Taxpayers' Union and
defend accountability and democracy.
Williams Board Member New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union
ps. Unless we ramp up the effort
and do the job the media won't do, New Zealanders won't know what is
being done in their name until it is too late. That's
why I'm asking for you to join me in supporting the Taxpayers' Union
right now.