From Zoe Lofgren <[email protected]>
Subject we can stop extremist Blake Masters from taking office — but we have to act fast
Date October 30, 2022 7:18 PM
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Hi John,There are record numbers of far-right fringe extremists on the ballot this year. But the good news is, there’s one extremist I KNOW we can defeat — Blake Masters in Arizona.

After years of standing up for Arizonans and working for a better future for all Americans, Senator Mark Kelly is a seasoned champion — and he’s got what it takes to keep Masters out of the Senate. However — the polls are looking tighter and tighter as November 8th approaches. We can’t take anything for granted.

John, Arizona voters are already casting their ballots, so now is the time to give this everything we’ve got. Please show up for Senator Kelly now — chip in $10 or whatever you can. [[link removed]]
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Trump-backed, dark money-funded Blake Masters represents the absolute worst of MAGA extremism, and we need to keep him as far away from the Senate as possible. And if we defeat Masters, we’ll hand the MAGA crowd a major setback, and make it that much harder for Mitch McConnell to get his gavel back.

But the closer we get to Election Day, the closer the polls are looking — so Mark is relying on all of us to give him the boost he needs. Please rush a donation today to get Democrats out to vote — we’re so close to holding this seat,John, but it’s going to take all of us! [[link removed]]

Thanks so much!

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a strong fighter for California’s values in Washington. As the Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, she has been on the front lines of expanding and protecting the Democratic Majority. Zoe has dedicated her career to fighting for our diverse communities and needs your help. PAID FOR BY LOFGREN VICTORY FUND
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