A message from the Colorado Republican Party
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Friends -

I have some terrible and devastating news to share with you.

This morning, State Representative and House Republican Leader Hugh McKean tragically passed away. Hugh was a friend, a Republican leader, and a good man who worked for a better life for families all across Colorado.

Whenever I saw him or spoke to him, he had an encouraging word and was ready to lift others up.

Whenever I think of Hugh McKean, I’ll think of his smile and his positive outlook on life. One of the best memories I have of him is when I visited his office at the Capitol with my kids. In the middle of a busy legislative session, he still took the time to show my kids around his office, explain his science displays to them, and invest – even for a few minutes – in their lives. That was the Hugh McKean behind the political scene – a man who loved others and was happy to invest in them.
I’ll miss my friend, Hugh McKean. My family will be praying for his loved ones.

I hope you will keep his two children - Aiden and Hanna in your prayers - as well as his dearest partner and friend Amy Parks. 

I look forward to seeing Hugh again one day, as he believed the words of Jesus in John 11:25-26: "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die."

Kristi Burton Brown
Chairwoman | Colorado GOP
Paid for by Colorado Republican Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.cologop.org

Colorado Republican State Party
5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado  80111
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