Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

October 30, 2022

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The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War
Featuring Non-Resident Fellow Neta Crawford, Gov. Jerry Brown, & Congressman John Tierney
Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 12:00 p.m. EST



A Just Cause
Featuring Andrew Bacevich, Board Chairman
In Search of MonstersQuincy Institute & Radio Open Source, 10/27/22

A spirited discussion on the meanings of Russia's war in Ukraine, the follies of U.S. foreign policy, and the acute nuclear dangers we face today.


Ending the Destructive Sino-U.S. Interaction Over Taiwan: A Call for Mutual Reassurance
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Program Director
Quincy Institute, 10/24/22

Absent a sober recognition of the vital need for trust-building through credible mutual assurances, the United States and China could be on the path toward a major diplomatic crisis or military conflict over Taiwan. 



Demonization, Danger, and Diplomacy
By Grand Strategy Director George Beebe & Board Member Amb. Tom Pickering
Tribune News Service, 10/28/22

Could a combination of military stick and diplomatic carrot cause Putin to step back from the brink in Ukraine today? We cannot know unless we try. 


What Does the 20th Party Congress Tell Us About the Future of China?
Featuring Research Fellow Jake Werner, East Asia Program Director Michael Swaine and Editorial Director Kelley Vlahos
Quincy Institute, 10/24/22

What are the implications of the Party Congress for Sino-U.S. relations and global stability?


Ukraine’s War Is Like World War I, Not World War II
By Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Program Director
Foreign Policy, 10/27/22

The West is using the wrong analogy for Russia’s invasion—and worsening the outcome.


Biden’s U.S. Arms Sales Boom from Ukraine to Saudi Arabia 
Interview with William Hartung, Senior Research Fellow
Democracy Now!/PBS, 10/24/22

Breaking down the impact of U.S. arms sales on national and global security. 


The U.S.-China Battle For Ideas in the Global South
Interview with Jake Werner, Research Fellow
China Global South Project, 10/25/22

Beijing and Washington's engagement with the Global South is increasingly defined by U.S-China competition.


Foreign Funding and Public Trust in the Think Tank Sector

Featuring Research Fellow Ben Freeman & Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton
Quincy Institute, 10/26/22

What can think tank experts can do to earn back the public’s trust? Will Congress act to reduce think tank corruption and increase transparency?


Democrats Are Exhibiting Perilous Groupthink on Ukraine
Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi
MSNBC, 10/28/22

Conflation of diplomacy with appeasement is not just foolish — it's dangerous.



Biden's Boilerplate Defense Strategy: It's All About China by East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 10/28/22

On Track or Off? U.S. Analysts Say 20th Party Congress Suggests Difficult Bilateral Relations Ahead by Mark Magnier/Quoted: Program Director Michael Swaine, South China Morning Post, 10/28/22

Diplomacy Watch: The West Doesn’t Know How to Talk about Ukraine by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/28/22

RADIO: Ukraine-Russia War: The Debate Over Whether to Negotiate with Putin, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George, KCRW, 10/27/22

Biden’s Nuclear Weapons Policy Carries ‘the Seeds of a New Nuclear Arms Race’ by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/27/22

How the U.S. Can Easily Alter Its Relationship with Saudi Arabia by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline and Hassan El-Tayyab, Responsible Statecraft, 10/27/22

Make Us Great Again: The Causes of Declinism in Major Powers by Non-Resident Fellow Robert Ralston, Security Studies, 10/27/22

Congress Needs to Rein in Foreign Influence in U.S. Think Tanks, Experts Say by Umar a Farooq/ Quoted: Investigative Journalist At-Large Eli Clifton, Middle East Eye, 10/26/22

PODCAST: The Cost of the U.S. Arms Trade, Interview with Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Why It Matters/Council for Foreign Relations, 10/26/22

Post Investigation the Latest Example of a Foreign Policy for Sale by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Forbes, 10/26/22

Retired General’s Pro-Saudi Op-eds Didn’t Disclose Financial Incentives by Investigate-Journalist-At-Large Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 10/26/22

PODCAST: For Might and Right, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Michael Brenes, American Prestige, 10/25/22

Captured by the Captive Nations Lobby by James Carden/ Cited: Quincy Institute, The American Conservative, 10/25/22

Despite Khashoggi Murder, These U.S. Universities Still Flush with Saudi Money by Researcher Nick Cleveland-Stout, Responsible Statecraft, 10/25/22

PODCAST: Bound By Oil: Rethinking Biden’s Middle East Strategy, Discussion with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Brookings World Affairs Podcast, 10/25/22

Junta’s Massacre of Protesters in Chad Reveals Sordid Western Blind Eye by Non-Resident Fellow Alex Thurston, Responsible Statecraft, 10/25/22

​​The U.S-Saudi Relationship Is Overrated by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung and Caroline Gray, The National Interest, 10/25/22

Why Germany’s Pursuit of Peace in Ukraine is Paralyzed by Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 10/25/22

RADIO: Ex-Military Take Jobs with Human Rights Abuse Countries, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Freedom Works Radio, 10/24/22

RADIO: Reflecting on the Cuban Missile Crisis and Nuclear Escalation in Ukraine Today, Interview with Board Member Katrina vanden Heuvel, NewsTalk, 10/24/22

RADIO: On Saudi Arabia Cuts in Oil Production, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, KQED, 10/24/22

Moscow’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ Claims Highlight Risk of Escalation by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/24/22

PODCAST: Mad at the Saudis? End the War in Yemen, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Scott Horton Show, 10/24/22

Liberals Urge Biden to Rethink Ukraine Strategy by Yasmeen Abutaleb/ Quoted: Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Washington Post, 10/24/22

How Many Shocks Can the World Take? by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 10/24/22

Tokyo’s Taiwan Conundrum: What Can Japan Do to Prevent War? by Non-Resident Fellow Mike Mochizuki, The Washington Quarterly, 10/24/22

RADIO: Iran Turns to Russia for Support and Strategic Alliance, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Joshua Landis, NPR, 10/24/22


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