Help protect our secular government! All gifts made before our Dec. 31 deadline will be matched!
YOUR $25 ⇒ $50 TODAY!

We’re on the front lines working to protect our country from the religious right, but right now, there’s one big problem.

We need more of you to step up in the final days of 2019!

If every secular American who reads this email donates $25 right now, we’ll be well positioned to fight against religious-based discrimination, proselytization by public officials, attempts to spend tax dollars on indoctrination and religious displays, and so much more.

2X MATCH FOR ALL DONATIONS: Give $25 now and SCA will receive a $25 match!

Don't wait—this generous double match only lasts until midnight tomorrow! We need secular Americans like you to join us if we're going to keep our Constitution intact.

YOUR $25 GIFT = $50 TODAY       YOUR $50 GIFT = $100 TODAY
YOUR $250 GIFT = $500 TODAY       YOUR $1,000 GIFT = $2,000 TODAY
Copyright © 2019 Secular Coalition for America, All rights reserved.
1012 14th St, NW, Suite 205, Washington, DC xxxxxx 

Contributions to the Secular Coalition for America are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Tax-deductible donations, including from Donor Advised Funds and IRA Rollovers, can be made to the Secular Coalition for America Education Fund. You are receiving this email because you requested to receive updates from the Secular Coalition for America.
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