
What a year!  When 2019 started, I was quietly preparing to start my third term in the North Carolina Senate. Today, as a member of Congress, I’m proud to say I voted against impeaching President Trump and I’m fighting Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s appalling scheme to invalidate the results of the 2016 Presidential Election.

What happened over the past year was an uplifting experience that’s given me great hope for the future of this country. And it demonstrated clearly that when you trust in the Lord, He will provide.

Thanks to the help of many long-time supporters and new friends, in mid-May we won a 10-way Republican Primary in the first round with a stunning 48% of the vote.  Then, as we faced a multi-million dollar barrage of scurrilous attack ads from Nancy Pelosi’s far-left smear machine, literally tens of thousands of conservatives across the country – like you – heard about my race and dropped a check in the mail or went online and contributed to my campaign. 

Having thousands and thousands of people I don’t know and that I’m unlikely to ever meet step up to help is a deeply humbling experience.  Thanks to your incredible generosity and a last-minute campaign visit from President Trump and Vice-President Pence, we shocked the liberal media and won the election. 

I don’t know exactly what’s in store for 2020. I do know it will be another challenging year, and the liberal establishment will do everything it can to take me out and destroy the president. And I know I’ll need your continued support.

As we enter an election year that could shape our state and our nation for generations, I’m grateful to have folks like you on my team. From the depths of my heart – Thank You. Happy New Year to you and yours.


Support Dan in 2020


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