This is a fight to protect the heart and soul of our nation, and it's powered by you, John!

Dear John,

I’m going to get right to the point. The end of the fundraising quarter is at midnight tomorrow night, December 31st. We are doing all we can to make sure that Joe has the money he needs to get through Iowa and on to New Hampshire.

One of the best ways to ring in the New Year would be to give Joe the biggest contribution you can — $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or even $1,000.

I know, I know.  It’s the holidays but one thing is for certain, Joe is working hard every day to make sure Donald Trump WON’T be the nominee for President in 2020.

DONATE $25 ⮕
DONATE $50 ⮕
DONATE $100 ⮕
DONATE $250 ⮕
DONATE $500 ⮕

It’s a big ask — but isn’t saving our country from this feckless President the most important thing we can do together?

I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and thank you once again for Being Brave!

All the best,

Ann Herberger
Finance Director
Walsh for President


Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.

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