The NRA wants you to believe that more guns will make us safer. But the truth is when a society has more guns than people, and easier access to them, gun deaths and injuries skyrocket.
Thoughts and prayers won't save lives. Evidence-based policy changes will.
That's why I'm running for US Senate here in Georgia against NRA funded Senator David Perdue. And why I’m supporting the policy plans put out by March for Our Lives — Peace Plan, and Guns Down America’s Second Amendment Compact.
Add your name to sign on in support of A Peace Plan for a Safer America & The New Second Amendment Compact
It’s time our politicians had the courage to stand up for what is right. To stand up to the NRA. To stand for policies that will cut gun violence in half in the next decade and save lives.
Join our movement to bring courage back to Washington. Together we can create a safer society for ALL.
Thanks for reading,
-- Ted