Hey, MeidasMighty – Ben, Brett and Jordy here, with a quick message this Halloweekend!

We were scared that you might have missed Bette Midler's email announcing a rare MATCH opportunity, so we wanted to bump it to the top of your inbox.

We're coming down to the wire, and it's going to take every single member of the MeidasMighty doing everything they can to make sure we win big on Roevember 8. That's why this opportunity couldn't have come at a better time: an anonymous donor is DOUBLING all gifts up to $180,000. We can't let a single dollar go to waste.

Please, MeidasMighty: Will you chip in $5 to double the power of this unapologetically pro-democracy movement and scare the shit out of the MAGA movement on election night?

Thank you, and check out Bette's message below!

Ben, Brett and Jordy Meiselas
Co-Founders, MeidasTouch

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bette Midler
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2022
Subject: Deathly afraid of the GOP winning