My path to running for U.S. Senate was different than most.
I don't come from a wealthy family. I didn't enter this race with a bunch of mega-donors lining up to write big checks to this campaign.
My mom was a public school teacher and my dad worked third shift at General Motors. Those jobs were our family's ticket to the middle class.
Ever since I was a little kid, my parents taught me never to settle for what is, but to reach for what can be. It was how I graduated high school at the age of 16 and went on to be elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly when I was 25. And it's how I won Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor race in 2018 and helped beat Scott Walker.
Then, after careful thought and consideration, I decided to get in this U.S. Senate race to defeat Ron Johnson.
It was a big decision. I knew that this was going to be one of the most competitive races in the entire country. And it is a race that we must win if we're going to defend and expand the Democratic Senate majority.
I was willing to bet that if I decided to run, people like you would come together in large numbers to help fund this campaign. Because the truth is that no single person can flip Wisconsin's Senate seat alone. It will only happen if we're in this together.
With $42 million in attack ads against me so far, I urgently need your support in order to have the resources to take on the right-wing super PACs and win in November.
So I'm asking:
Can you please make a $5 contribution to my campaign for U.S. Senate today? Since I'm rejecting all corporate PAC money, any amount you can give will make a big difference.
The outcome of this race will ultimately be determined by people like you who decided to be a part of this campaign. Thank you for chipping in today, if you can afford it.
All my best,