![]() Debate now rages about whether the Federal Reserve should continue to raise interest rates to tame inflation or slow down these hikes and see what happens.... What issues are the candidates and the parties not talking about? It's worth asking, because sometimes these issues turn out to be important California Gov. Gavin Newsom survived his 2021 recall election by 24 points, the same margin by which he won election in 2018. However, to keep his job he... In the closing days of the midterm campaign, liberals and Democrats remain convinced that the right to terminate babies is their, um, saving grace.... Turn on MSNBC or open The Washington Post these days and you'll find pundits declaring the pending end of American democracy. Voters voting for Republicans... China has officially embraced Xi Jinping as the new Mao – a president for life who prizes loyalty above merit and security above markets. That makes the world a little less secure and a lot more uncertain. But it also makes clear China isn’t the market-friendly place many in the west long assumed. If anything, A federal judge ruled that a controversial activist group in Arizona has the constitutionally protected right to observe voters dropping off their mail-in ballots at locked drop boxes. In his 14-page ruling, Judge Michael T. Liburdi acknowledged the concern of some voters and voter rights groups at the presence of observers, some armed, filming ballot PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178 Unsubscribe |