If this is how they’re covering the campaign, can you imagine how the beltway media will cover an actual debt ceiling showdown?
Republican leader Kevin McCarthy came out and admitted that he and his party were ready to use the debt ceiling to destroy the American economy if Joe Biden wouldn’t agree to cut Social Security and Medicare. But stating that plain fact on the campaign trail led “savvy” DC insiders at Axios to call it Democrats’ Hail Mary.
Social Security Works has never listened to the DC media. When we were founded, the consensus in the media was that Social Security would be cut, the only question was by how much. We didn’t listen―we stopped the cuts and brought the conversation in DC to expanding Social Security instead. That’s why Wall Street-owned politicians like Kevin McCarthy are dead set on holding America hostage.
The best way to stop this assault on our earned benefits is to stop Kevin McCarthy from becoming Speaker of the House. The second best is for Democrats to remove the debt ceiling from the playing field, so it can never be taken hostage again.
Can you chip in $7 to save Social Security and Medicare from Republicans?
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
This week, DC insider newsletter Axios highlighted the fact that Democrats’ closing pitch to voters centers around a warning that Republicans have announced their plans to destroy the economy if Democrats don’t agree to cut Social Security and Medicare.
But instead of highlighting the very real threats to real people, Axios has framed this as a cynical “Hail Mary bid to dent Republican credibility on the economy.” (Never mind that ‘Republican credibility on the economy’ is a media creation. The last two Republican presidencies each left the economy in smoldering ruins that required trillions in stimulus spending to recover from.)
The contempt that these DC insiders hold towards the people who will depend on Social Security and Medicare is astonishing. This isn’t a game to see who can trick voters―it’s our country and our lives on the line.
Social Security Works is fighting back. We’re dragging the Republican threats to the economy into the light―can you chip in $7 to save Social Security and Medicare from Republicans?
Republicans are deadly serious about their plans to destroy Social Security and Medicare. Democrats are absolutely right to tell voters about those plans.
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works