From Our Revolution <[email protected]>
Subject FINAL WEEK to fight for every vote and stop a MAGA takeover!
Date October 29, 2022 2:53 PM
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Insider News from the Political Revolution!


HEADLINES: Battle to the End in Critical Races | Bernie Hits the Trail! |
Fetterman & Oz in Tight Race | Barnes Behind in Wisconsin | AG Ellison in
Tough Fight | 10 Progressives for Congress! | Megan Green for St. Louis |
Climate Champs in AZ | & MORE!

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Critical races are deadlocked in the polls, and we have just ONE WEEK to
do everything we can to shift the political landscape in this pivotal 2022

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and there’s a real danger that many
progressive, independent, working-class voters will not be motivated to
turn out. Whether we face a MAGA takeover or elect allies to help us build
on our work all comes down to [ [link removed] ]what we do right now.

That’s why Our Revolution is working overtime to hit our goal of 1.6
MILLION voter contacts through calls, texts, email, social media, and more
as part of our [ [link removed] ]massive targeted GOTV operation.

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Join us in this last MASSIVE phonebank effort to make the difference in
these tight priority races in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

We’re calling all week to mobilize every last voter to the polls for
[ [link removed] ]John Fetterman and [ [link removed] ]Mandela Barnes to flip these Senate seats!

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We’re also hitting the campaign trail with Bernie Sanders this week to
rally in NV, WI, OR, CA, TX, PA, and MI to make a clear case to voters.

“If we have any chance to create an economy that works for all of us, not
just the 1 percent,” Bernie wrote in [ [link removed] ]The Hill, “we must expand the
Democratic majority in Congress and continue to push them to represent the
needs of the working class, not the billionaire class.”

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“Too many Democratic members of Congress have been unwilling to stand up
to the big money interests,” Bernie wrote in [ [link removed] ]The Hill. “But here is
the simple reality: the Republicans in Congress are far worse when it
comes to addressing the needs of the working class.”

Under this administration, Bernie and our movement worked hard to get the
first steps on climate, student debt, tax fairness, drug price
negotiation, and other priorities — but we’re just getting started and
have much more work to do.

“People feel like Democrats under-delivered on the things that matter to
progressives, like raising wages, building unions, expanding healthcare,”
Joseph Geevarghese, Our Revolution Executive Director, told [ [link removed] ]NBC News
6. “There is no path to victory if progressives sit this race out.”

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“It is no secret that many Americans are discouraged by what’s going on in
Washington and are unhappy with both major parties. I got that,” Bernie
said. “The answer, however, is not to make a bad situation worse by
supporting candidates who will cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
and give huge tax breaks to the rich.”

This election is a chance to defeat the far right, elect allies, and
cancel out the veto-power corporate Dems like Manchin and Sinema. A MAGA
Majority is unthinkable — we can’t let national abortion ban author
Lindsey Graham replace Bernie as Senate Budget Chair.

[ [link removed] ]SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER NOW!

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Our work to flip Senate seats couldn’t be more vital — the race between
John Fetterman and Dr. Oz is now very tight, and right-wing extremist Ron
Johnson has a polling edge over Mandela Barnes.

We’re raising $300K to power our voter turnout model to mobilize our list
of 413,251 voters in the two states. This is the concrete work that can
make the decisive difference in these tight races. [ [link removed] ]Donate to our Swing
State Fund today!

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If we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone, text, mail, social
media, ads, and groundwork — we can boost turnout by 11 percent. This
could be the decisive factor in races across the country, but we can’t do
it without you!

[ [link removed] ]POWER OUR GOTV MACHINE

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If we put in the work, we can add as many as 10 progressives to Congress
folks like Delia Ramirez, Maxwell Frost, Summer Lee, Andrea Salinas,
Jasmine Crockett, Jonathan Jackson, Becca Balint, and Greg Casar.

Our Revolution is also working hard to elect progressives who are in
tough, competitive House races — including Jamie McLeod-Skinner in
Oregon’s 5th District and Michelle Vallejo in Texas’ 15th.

Winning these seats could stave off a Republican majority in the House and
grow our power to advance the policies that save lives.


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Minnesota AG Keith Ellison is one of our strongest progressive leaders —
and he joined our [ [link removed] ]National Organizing Call Monday to dig into his
tough battle for re-election against extremist Jim Schultz, who wants to
criminalize abortion and defund corporate law enforcement.

Keith helped led the team that convicted former Minneapolis police officer
Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd — and now the far right is
coming after him for it. “Help me make it so that if you’re standing up
for justice you will not be turned out of office.”

“My opponent has tried to make this race all about crime, but he’s offered
no good solutions,” Keith told us. “We have a package, a program, to
promote safety and security at the AG office.”

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We must make sure Keith can continue his great work taking on the
negligent gun retailers, slum lords, and oil companies endangering lives.

While Keith fights price gougers, Schultz’s hedge fund employer made
[ [link removed] ]$2.6 BILLION as a pandemic profiteer. While Schultz wants to gut
consumer protections, Keith has won more than $300 million for Minnesotans
by holding Big Pharma accountable for the opioid epidemic.

“We’re working to help people afford their lives and standing up for our
rights and freedoms,” Keith said. “My opponent aims to be the fox in the
henhouse — inside the institution to stop any effort to help workers and
to enrich the most powerful.”

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OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told [ [link removed] ]Politico this is a race
to watch. “Nationally, you’ve got Republicans running on this
tough-on-crime narrative, and Keith is at the epicenter of that. If he is
able to fend off the attacks, it’ll give us a pathway on criminal justice

This is a priority race and we need all hands on deck! Doing the people’s
work earns you powerful enemies, and Keith is in a fight to the finish.
Can you step up for a phone bank shift to help Our Revolution turn out our
147,000 supporters in Minnesota?

[ [link removed] ]VOLUNTEER FOR KEITH

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Megan Green joined our [ [link removed] ]LIVE National Call Monday to talk details on
her grassroots campaign for President of the St. Louis Board of Alderman.

On the board, Megan helped pass a $15 minimum wage and Coatar voted
against it. While she supports hotel workers organizing with Unite Here
Local 74, her opponent Jack Coatar is taking huge donations from their
anti-union bosses.

Coatar is the big-money candidate in the race to replace Reed, who is
headed to a likely federal prison sentence for taking bribes in
development deals. “We have to put an end to this level of corruption that
has had a stranglehold on city government,” Megan told us.

“We need a city government that is responsive to the needs of the
community,” she said. “I brought participatory government to the 15th Ward
— people should be able to vote directly on how their dollars are spent
and that’s something we can do at the city level to build trust.”

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This race will empower our growing progressive bloc in St. Louis — and we
can lend a hand from all across the country. Please join a phone bank
shift to get the message out to voters that Megan will fight for housing
justice, good union jobs, strong neighborhoods, and more.

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR MEGAN

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In Arizona, we have progressives Sandra Kennedy and Lauren Kuby running
for seats on the little-known but powerful Corporation Commission to
regulate utility monopolies, snuff out corruption, and lower energy

“The choice for Arizona Corporation Commission is simple,” “We will ensure
a clean energy future. Our Republican opponents will not,” Kuby wrote in
[ [link removed] ]AZ Central. “Investing in clean energy also creates local, high-wage
jobs that benefit Arizonans while conserving our most precious natural
resource: water.”

The utilities want to buy these key seats, but we can’t let them handpick
their own regulators!

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The electric utility APS spent more than $10M to defeat Sandra in 2014 and
raise utility prices, but she came back to beat them in 2018 — and now we
can re-elect her and add Lauren Kuby to join her in stamping out

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Our Revolution is going all out in this critical down-ballot race — and we
need your help! Sign up for a shift or two to get these climate champions
over the finish line!

[ [link removed] ]PHONEBANK FOR KUBY & KENNEDY

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Our Revolution is backing Zo Qadri in his race for Austin City Council in
District 9.

Zo is the son of immigrants and will be the first South Asian and the
first Muslim elected to the city council. He joined our [ [link removed] ]Live National
Call Monday evening to talk about how can help beat the crowded field of 8
candidates in this tight race — and what he would do in office.

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Austin’s affordability is on the ballot this year. Zo is committed to
fighting for housing, worker rights, equal justice, unions, climate action
— and giving everyone a seat at the table.

“Austin is letting down its most vulnerable populations — we have a long
way to go before we become that progressive city we claim to be,” Zo told

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As Election Day nears, OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told
[ [link removed] ]The Hill: “the closing argument has to be about what matters to the
electorate. “In this moment in particular, voters are looking for the
candidates who will fight to raise their standards of living.”

After running primarily on the important issue of abortion, Democratic
Party leaders are now sounding the alarm on Republican plans to dismantle
Medicare and Social Security, while cutting taxes for the ultra-wealthy.

“The headwinds are against us, so any pivot is timely,” Joseph said in
[ [link removed] ]Yahoo News, “but do I wish that Democrats had articulated a bold
economic agenda that was going to be deflationary at the start of the
summer? Yes.”

“Democrats can’t just run on fear,” Joseph told [ [link removed] ]ABC News. “Fear is a
mobilizing factor, but hope should outweigh it. You have to have something
to believe in, something to vote for. That’s what really motivates

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The truth is, progressive policies address the root causes of the economic
pain so many of us are experiencing — but we can only work to deliver on
that agenda if we elect more and better Democrats in this midterm

From antitrust to reshoring jobs, taxing the wealthy, raising wages, and
making healthcare and education free at the point of service — these are
the policies that put power and money back in the hands of the people.

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US Rep. Ro Khanna said in [ [link removed] ]Yahoo News: “I call it a new economic
patriotism, which is that Democrats are bringing manufacturing back home.
We’re bringing back supply chains, and that actually is going to help
tackle inflation.”

“The most singular thing progressive voters are looking for is someone who
has a bold, progressive vision that is not purely idealistic but is also
implementable — and that the candidate also has the ability to organize
masses of people to implement that agenda,” Joseph said in the [ [link removed] ]LA

That’s why Our Revolution is joining Bernie to do the work between now and
Nov. 8th, and make the case to every voter we can about what’s at stake as
well as what we can accomplish if our candidates win.

[ [link removed] ]Chip in now to help fund the direct voter outreach that can be the
margin of victory in key swing states!

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Progressive Mandela Barnes can take out far-right Senator Ron Johnson in
Wisconsin — with our help! He’s in a tough race, but we have a path to
victory and can flip this key seat.

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR MANDELA

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Dr. Oz is closing the gap and we can’t let him win! We need YOU to make
calls for John Fetterman! Let’s make sure we flip this senate seat, defeat
Dr. Oz, and elect a progressive!

[ [link removed] ]CALL FOR FETTERMAN

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We have to marshal our resources NOW to execute our strategy over the next
three weeks to defeat the far right and elect progressives on Nov. 8th.

If we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone, text, mail, social
media, and door-knocking — we can boost turnout by 11 percent and make a
decisive difference in tight races.


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Early voting is open and we have a battle on our hands to re-elect Keith
Ellison as Minnesota AG and defeat his far-right extremist opponent who
wants to criminalize abortion and defund all corporate law enforcement.

Keith has taken on corporate price-gouging in the pandemic and led the
fight to convict Derek Chauvin for the Murder of George Floyd — let’s make
sure he continues his good work as Attorney General.

[ [link removed] ]VOLUNTEER FOR KEITH

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Lauren Kuby and Sandra Kennedy are consumer watchdogs and climate
champions, who we must help win seats on the little-known but powerful
Arizona Corporation Commissioner. Let’s make AZ a leader in renewable

[ [link removed] ]MAKE CALLS FOR KUBY & KENNEDY

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Megan Green — a 2016 Bernie delegate we helped elect to the St. Louis
Board of Alderman last cycle — is up against union busters and big
developer money in her run for board president. This is a key seat for a
progressives and we can win!

[ [link removed] ]CALL FOR MEGAN IN ST. LOUIS

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This primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than
900,000 calls to voters across the country. Sign up to activate voters for
progressive candidates across the country.

[ [link removed] ]SIGN UP FOR A CALL SHIFT

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Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5/mo. and get your
official membership card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack —
$15, get the stickers + a poster — $27, get both + a tote bag — $50, get
it ALL + a T-shirt!


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Our Revolution is the largest entirely grassroots funded progressive
group in America. Last year alone, we elected 74% of our 450 endorsed
progressive candidates by mobilizing on the ground AND in the halls of

[ [link removed] ]Help us defend democracy and take the fight directly to the
establishment by committing to a 2022 Movement Builder recurring
donation of just $5 or more a month!

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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a
501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as
charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are
made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for
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