Dear Supporter,
You'd think by their latest million-dollar PR campaigns that Big Oil was making some big changes.
Big shifts to power a clean energy future. Big investments to discover sustainable fuels. Big actions to finally address the climate crisis they enabled.
If only that were the truth.
A new report published by London-based energy think tank Influence Maps found that while 60% of Big Oil's public statements made green claims, only 12% of their investments actually went to clean or renewable investments.1
Their goal? Look green enough to convince politicians and the public they're doing the right thing, while they keep on polluting and profiting without consequence.
We're setting a 48-hour deadline. We need you with us to fight back against Big Oil's lies and deceptions, protect public lands from their greed, and build a clean energy future.
Become a Sierra Club member and fuel our campaigns to expose Big Oil's lies and mobilize people across the country to demand a clean, safe, and sustainable future for all.
If you become one of the 100 new members we need by MIDNIGHT on Sunday, we'll send you these reusable shopping bags as a thank you.
Right now, communities across the country are trying to figure out how to move on from climate-fueled disasters.
Even before a super-charged hurricane in Florida swept neighborhoods away, unimaginable flooding in Kentucky submerged entire towns and took out clean water systems for weeks in Mississippi.
Big Oil knew all this was coming. Their scientists confirmed in the 1970s what climate scientists have been saying for decades. And they know that this is just a taste of what's to come.
So don't listen to what you hear in their fancy TV ads.
The truth is this: they're doubling down on their planet-ending profiteering by lobbying our government to drill on more public lands, expand offshore drilling, and weaken environmental protections.
Who will stop them?
I hope today, you'll join thousands of others who respond before our deadline to stop Big Oil's mad crusade against all life on planet Earth.
Make your membership gift to the Sierra Club to hold Big Oil accountable for its toxic legacy. Respond in the next 48 hours and we'll send you a set of reusable shopping bags as our way of saying thanks.
Regular, sustained support from Sierra Club's Wilderness Guardians has powered some of our biggest, historic wins.
From leading the efforts to retire 356 dated, toxic coal-fired power plants (only 174 to go!), to securing protections for 439 parks and monuments (that's millions of acres protected!), it's people like you making small gifts that power this progress.
More than ever, we need your support, so that we can keep fossil fuels in the ground, and stop big oil from destroying what's left of our planet.
Say yes: Become one of the 100 new members we need by MIDNIGHT on Sunday.
Thanks in advance for your help,

Loren Blackford
Interim Executive Director
Sierra Club
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