Caroline Lucas secured a commitment from the PM on Wednesday that the fracking ban will stay. It was a significant, stand-out win for the climate in a week when the news was otherwise bleak.



Caroline Lucas secured a commitment from the PM on Wednesday that the fracking ban will stay.


It was a significant, stand-out win for the climate in a week when the news was otherwise bleak.


The UN warned the world is close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown.


Shell announced record profits of £22 billion so far this year and a zero windfall tax bill.


And Rishi Sunak said he would skip Cop 27 because of ‘pressing domestic commitments’.


This Government is shamelessly accelerating the climate crisis and inequality and letting this country down.


Can you support our campaign for a Fairer Greener Country?

Only the Green Party has the solutions to the climate and cost of living crisis.


We would tax the rich and insulate peoples homes to cut fuel bills.


We would impose a dirty profits tax on oil and gas giants and invest in renewables.


Like Caroline, we would continue to bravely and without compromise call out our deadly fossil fuel addiction and make decisions which put people and planet first.


Help us hold this Government to account.

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The Green Party