Dear friend,
Each December as the year draws to a close, I send a letter summarizing the accomplishments of Acton Institute. I hope you have received this letter which details some very impressive statistics, such as our podcast, Acton Line, growing almost 600% in 2019.
Or, that we were ranked as one of the top five, most highly-esteemed pro-liberty think tanks in the United States, and around the world, by the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.
Or, that Acton was featured in major publications like the Wall Street Journal this summer, helping reach millions with our trademark synthesis of freedom and virtue.
And, while this data is all very encouraging in confirming the quality of our work, it remains the people behind the data who truly matter and are an occasion of great joy. People I meet regularly during my travels who tell me how their lives have been changed by our work.
Recently, a professor from an esteemed university in Guatemala, wrote:
"It's been one of the most amazing and life-changing experiences I've had. I come back to Guatemala understanding the importance of having a correct anthropological understanding of the human being and knowing that good intentions are not enough, that they have to be supported by correct economic principles."
Please help us continue to change the hearts and minds of leaders around the world with a special year-end gift.
These excited remarks remind me of my own personal journey, and my life-altering paradigm shift, moving from a zealous socialist to a champion of the free market. When people are correctly educated it’s impossible not to understand the vital role liberty has played in the success of this nation, how the free market has delivered billions of people across the globe from poverty, and the moral foundations that make all this possible.
This is the work we do together. For almost thirty years now, Acton Institute has articulated a deep moral defense of the free economy, and Acton’s website has been a leading force in spreading our ideas to audiences beyond the reach of traditional media like television and newspapers.
Please help ensure our message of freedom and virtue will not be drowned out in our digital age by the cacophony of socialism.
I thank you personally in advance for your generous support and I look forward to 2020 as Acton Institute will, incredibly, celebrate its thirty year anniversary!
Rev. Robert A. Sirico
P.S. Thank you in advance if you recently submitted a donation, you will receive a formal acknowledgment in the mail soon.