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Dear John,

This week, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and his message was clear: Russia attacked our democracy when they interfered in our 2016 elections.

Despite what we saw in the House, this should not be a partisan issue. Our election system is under attack, and if we don't act now, it will likely be targeted again.

Mueller's testimony was a call to action, and we need to take his warning seriously. The fact of the matter is that both President Donald Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are ignoring the threats to our democracy.

There are less than 200 days until the first votes are cast in 2020, yet the Senate has passed ZERO bills to protect our elections. Last year, I successfully worked with Republican Senator James Lankford to secure $380 million in election security grants so that states can begin to implement security improvements ahead of 2020. But there's still more to be done.

If you agree that the federal government needs to protect our democracy before Election Day 2020, sign the petition now to demand McConnell hold a vote on legislation to secure our elections.

Thank you,



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