Read the vile comments for yourself:
John – You know you've made waves when Rev. Al Sharpton starts his attacks.

I'm the latest recipient of his wrath – and I can only imagine it's because recent polling in the Georgia Senate race shows us gaining momentum against Raphael Warnock.

Sharpton's attacks are not just about my candidacy but me as a person. Read the vile comments for yourself:

"I don't think Herschel knows the difference between the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and the fact that they would throw him in there is an insult to all of us that fought and continue to fight to open doors for Blacks."


"We should be celebrating two Black men running against each other with political ideas, rather than being ashamed every time he opens his mouth."

Like all the other attacks I've received during this campaign, this one is sad and disappointing...but unfortunately, it's what I've come to expect from the Left – especially when they're desperate.

I'm asking you to help me send Al Sharpton a clear message: the personal, nasty attacks only increase our resolve to win this race.

I want Al Sharpton and the Left to know that their attacks on my character and my candidacy resulted in an outpouring of support for our campaign. Will you chip in $5 right now to help us raise $15,000 by tonight at midnight?

 Send a Message to Al Sharpton 
 Donate $5 → 

I hope you'll stand and show your support for our conservative movement. We need to ensure that Al Sharpton's attacks against me completely backfire!


Herschel Walker

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