Will you help us get our message out and ensure we elect leaders who will protect our democracy?


Early voting has begun, and in less than two weeks, voters will have a final chance to go to the polls and use their power to protect the future and integrity of our democracy. 

Across the country, right-wing candidates have made it clear that if elected they will do everything in their power to strip Americans of rights and change our democracy forever. We cannot let them do that. Support our campaign today to protect the future of democracy and show the strength of our progressive vision. 

In this last 10-day stretch, my team will be working around the clock to support candidates who share our vision for Chicago, Illinois, and our country. To do this, we need your support. Will you help us get our message out and ensure we elect leaders who will protect our democracy?

Chuy García for Congress
137 N. 14TH AVENUE
United States