What's New @CPUSA.ORG



Dear John,

Across the country, the right wing is undermining democracy by suppressing the vote, gerrymandering districts, and even threatening violence on election day. We the Working Class People fight for more democracy by struggling for civil and human rights, organizing unions, marching in the streets, and more. Voting and mobilizing people to vote is part of this struggle. We urge everyone to get involved in the elections during the next 10 days before November 8. Here are resources to help you. Get in the fight!

For your weekend reading and viewing on cpusa.org:

Good Morning, Revolution! (video): The Ohio Senate and New York governor’s races, fascist forces on the rise and the fight for democracy, and inflation’s sources and solutions. Plus the Mailbag Question: Does John Lennon’s “Imagine” reflect the beliefs of Karl Marx and his development of a class-free society? Want more video? Subscribe to the CPUSA YouTube channel.

CPUSA Co-Chairs on the L.A. City Council Crisis: The CPUSA stands for unity of all our diverse communities.

Red Movie Night a Big Hit: A new club in Michigan is off to a good start.

Marxist IQ: 105 Years after the Russian Revolution.


In solidarity,


Anita, Joe, Laura, and Cameron

Communist Party USA
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New York, NY 10011
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