HalloWEED SpectacBOOlar
DEC. 29-31
Ring in the New Year

Thanks good talk.
Hey John,
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you saw that headline pop up in your news feed? It would def be amazing for me. I’ll tell you in a sec how that actually might happen! But first, I’ll tell you how you can win prizes this weekend while partying with me and Jodie Sweetin from Full House! And also…
IMPORTANT NOTE! The weather is getting real cold already, and I need to start wearing pants again when I go outside. Not ideal. But we all gotta do our part. And sometimes our part happens one leg at a time. (Or two legs at a time while rocking back on the bed.) 
On a unrelated note, I’ve gone from doing my 3 Rebel HQ videos a week for TYT, which I still do every week, to now also co-hosting all of their main shows pretty frequently. And I was recently asked to train to be one of their lead anchors for the main show! I just did it for the first time yesterday and it was really fun. I’m doing it again today from 4-5pm pt, you can watch live at
FUN PART OF EMAIL:  I also wanna invite you (fun already cuz i said “wanna” instead of “want to”) to party with me this weekend and win some prizes. My 3rd annual worldwide virtual Halloween show “GLEIB OFF THE TOP: HalloWEED SpectacBOOLar” with my special guest JODIE SWEETIN, our childhood fav from Full House, is this Saturday Oct 29 at 5p/8e.
It’s a weird improvised comedy show, happening at Nowhere Comedy on Zoom You can even keep your cam and mic on if you want and be part of the show, ask questions, etc. AND there's a costume contest for prizes so come dressed up if you want! GET A TICKET HERE.
Feels like I’m forgetting something… Oh yeah, MY DREAM JOB! You’ve heard “The Daily Show” host is opening up again, and they are even considering rotating hosts for a while. THIS. IS. MY. SHOT. I’ve always wanted this gig. And so we made a highlight reel of some good and/or funny moments from my career things, mostly recent TYT stuff, that I will be figuring out a way to submit somehow soon. In the meantime, I thought you might like to see it. Here’s my Daily Show Submission Reel.
Please comment, share it, and post on your socials tagging @ComedyCentral @TheDailyShow to hire me for the job! (If you agree with that). That would be so appreciated. By me. (Other people probs don’t care.) 
Wow this email was long. Sorry bout that. 
See you Saturday! 


Neurotic Gangster Productions, Inc.

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