Add your name if you agree!

Hey John-?


You know what time it is. We know what time it is. But it's long past time for Congress to follow President Biden's example and legalize marijuana nationwide and expunge possession charges!?


Join the 68% of Americans who support this by adding your name to this petition.?

Legalizing cannabis is a justice, economic, health, and youth voter issue.


Black folks are disproportionately incarcerated over cannabis use and possession, despite equal use across races. Legalizing, vacating, and expunging non-violent offenders would start us down the long road to racial justice, while lowering the population of our prisons.?


Adult use cannabis laws are not associated with an uptick overall criminal activity. In fact, adult use legalization laws are associated with improvements in crime clearance rates. Traffic deaths and arrests for DUIs do not increase, and may decrease, when cannabis is legalized.


Retail cannabis facilities are associated with rising housing values and are associated with reduced opioid consumption. Legalization would lead to billions in tax revenue and a massive uptick in creation of jobs.?


It is clear that legalization is popular and beneficial to our country. 36 states and 4 territories have legalized cannabis for medical use. 17 states and DC have legalized cannabis for recreation use. Why can't we legalize it for the whole country??


Click here to show your support for legalizing cannabis federally.?


- Young Democrats of America?


The Young Democrats of America (YDA) is the official youth wing of the Democratic Party of the United States and the oldest partisan youth organization in the country. To help us mobilize the next generation of Democrats, donate anything you can afford right now to YDA.


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