I acknowledge your recent donation to NumbersUSA. (Thanks again!) I'm sending you this anyway, because I thought you'd still be interested in the End-of-Year report.
-- Roy
End-Of-Year Report From Roy Beck
Reviled and Feared!
NumbersUSA under constant attack because we succeed!
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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The existence of NumbersUSA has never been more REVILED or apparently FEARED by open-borders entities than it has been during these past 12 months.
We have identified hundreds of newspapers, magazines and internet publications that have run more than 3,000 articles attacking us -- just this year!
I want to share some of the behind-the-scenes, "inside" stories of what you and I are up against... because I believe the immigration expansionists' obsession with us at this time is an endorsement of our effectiveness. That obsession shows that your investment in NumbersUSA Action has never been more important for the cause of less immigration and more enforcement.
Our opponents on the hard left and the corporate right have escalated their well-funded campaigns of character assassination of us -- and of you who share our goals.
That wouldn't be too much of a problem if they didn't have so many accomplices in the media willing to disseminate the untrue demonizations.
For instance, the day after Thanksgiving, Yahoo News provided a vile article to its online audience of 19 million. It falsely suggested our goal of lower immigration is "preventing non-white immigration into the United States," and a lot of other outrageous claims.
Preposterous! Our website contains multiple examples of our long record opposing race as a factor in immigration policy. In fact, NumbersUSA takes its name from our insistence that numbers are our only concern.
Professional editors would have discovered we are not interested in race. The old pros would refuse to run stories containing insulting and absurd labels with no basis in fact. Especially if evidence contradicted it.
Sadly, it seems that no lie is too outrageous for many media to accept when they are desperately trying to avoid a rational discussion of immigration numbers!
Immigration expansionists are particularly at war right now against community foundations and family foundations that dare give us grants to educate about the benefits of lower immigration numbers. In fact, most of those 3,000 articles mentioned above contained questions about the propriety of giving grants to NumbersUSA and other reduction groups.
The media campaign clearly is aimed at starving us of funds. Foundations are easy prey for media so-called "exposs" because the law requires them to publicly disclose who gets their grants.
Fortunately for you, the laws concerning your gifts to us are much different. The law does not require you to publicly disclose your donations. And it doesn't require us to do so either. And we NEVER share the names of our donors with anybody. Hostile media have no way to learn about your support.
As I'll explain below, the donations by individual Americans like you are the more important ones. They are the only ones that can be spent on the grassroots activism that so infuriates immigration expansionists. It is our mobilization of citizens to contact their Members of Congress that has every year since 2001 blocked special interests from totally flooding the country with new foreign workers and new voters.
That's why I have to laugh at the major media spending so much on teams of investigative reporters, to make family and community foundations embarrassed about providing us grants.
I don't think expansionists fully recognize that their main financial opponents are not our foundation supporters. Rather, it is you and all the other individual citizens like you -- who can provide the resources that we're allowed to use to assemble and equip a large enough band of voters to stand in the way of massive expansion of legal and illegal immigration.
Whether our opponents realize it or not, it is the work of NumbersUSA Action (a non-tax-deductible "c4" organization under the tax code) that our opponents fear the most.
NumbersUSA Action is the robust grassroots mobilization group that is such a headache to those on the left who want high immigration to create a new "lefter-leaning" electorate and to those on the right who want high immigration to create a new cheaper workforce.
But foundations CANNOT give to c4 groups like NumbersUSA Action. They are forbidden by law. NumbersUSA Action is dependent on you -- indeed, the nation is dependent on you -- to make sure the funds are sufficient for the task.
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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To their great credit, most of the family and community foundation donors to NumbersUSA have not bent under the withering media attacks.
They can't give to the Action fund. But they do provide the bulk of support to our sister organization, NumbersUSA Education & Research. It is a tax-deductible "c3" organization under the tax code. This is the group that provides all the education and research about immigration legislation and its effects on the American people, communities and environment. It educates the public, media, Members of Congress and their staffs.
This is extremely important work. And it saddens me to see our foundation donors treated so viciously throughout much of the media.
The attack articles are often full of innuendo, distortions and fabrications of both the donors and of us, provided by the immigration expansionists. We seldom are given an opportunity to respond to the direct accusations as editors pick up the irresponsible journalism of a few and recklessly reprint, re-package and re-state in hundreds of other publications.
A lengthy New York Times feature compared the benefactor of one family foundation who gives to us with the killer in the tragic mass shooting of Hispanics in El Paso earlier this year. The benefactor's "story helps explain the ascendance of once-fringe views in the debate over immigration in America," the article smeared.
The Charlotte (N.C.) Observer published its extensive "investigation" of a community foundation and made a passionate case that it should quit allowing donors to its fund to designate grants to immigration-reduction groups.
The head of the foundation rather courageously said allowing donors to choose their own charities was a matter of free speech. But the newspaper said its investigation "raises weighty questions about the line between legitimate political speech and bigotry. Are any stances so extreme that they must be entirely discarded -- or de-funded?"
As a former journalist, I'm appalled that reporters and editors of a general circulation daily newspaper would have so little regard for free speech. How can they even consider the propriety of blocking donors from assisting groups whose goals are shown by polling to be supported by the majority of Americans and have been recommended by federal bi-partisan commissions!
It's a nationwide effort to "shame" all donor-advised foundations into banning grants to immigration-reduction groups. But they can't ban you!
I should mention that the expansionists have a secondary target in their massive media offensive. As they have for the past 20 years, they want to undercut our credibility with Members and staff of Congress.
The tactic is to brand us to Republicans as radical left and to Democrats as extreme right. Many well-funded interests have been involved in this along the way. That would include Soros entities on the left and Koch entities on the right.
These efforts ultimately have failed thus far because of here it is again NumbersUSA Action's grassroots mobilization. I learned as a reporter covering Congress that the one thing that could affect a Member's vote more than special-interest contributions was massive (and it had to be massive) constituent pressure. And that is also the kind of thing that can drown out an incredibly pervasive media campaign of disinformation.
In the end, NumbersUSA has a voice that counts because it has your voice -- and millions like it.
At this moment of history, I cannot overemphasize the importance to this country of your making NumbersUSA Action one of your top three charitable priorities with as generous a donation as you can afford.
We all have different reasons why reducing illegal and legal immigration numbers is such a high priority. I fight for lower immigration numbers to improve opportunities for the most disadvantaged of Americans, to reduce congestion and to protect communities' quality of life and the nation's ecosystems -- not just in our time but for generations to come.
And our grassroots mobilization is at the center of achieving all those goals. That is what supercharges the power of the exceptional expertise and wise analysis of our staff. It gets them invited so deep behind-the-scenes in Congress and the Administration that I am not allowed to give you details or describe how they exert their influence. But trust me that it does not happen without what NumbersUSA Action is able to do with:
2.3 million email members
7.1 million Facebook fans
That's the nation's largest single-issue-organization grassroots army.
But at a time when some of the nation's most public leaders are calling for a virtual end to immigration enforcement and for huge increases in annual admissions we have to make the army much larger.
It is the knowledge that we communicate with millions of constituents that makes Members of Congress have to pay attention to us, regardless of what biased and unprofessional media might say about us.
NumbersUSA Action maintains and disseminates the nation's premier report cards on what each Member of Congress has done to or for the country related to immigration. At this time of year, it is appropriate to note that NumbersUSA is the true Watchdog Santa making a list and checking it twice and letting every voter know who's been naughty or nice.
I suppose that's reason enough to be reviled and feared by far too many elected officials. It's our job.
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. [link removed]
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Join me in next year's battles,
Roy Beck
Founder & President of NumbersUSA
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.