
In a moment, I'm going to ask you to make a $3 donation before our final end-of-month fundraising deadline of our election. But first, I want to talk a bit about how our race has changed in the last couple weeks, and why your support is more important than ever.

As you know, Southern California is quickly becoming ground zero in the fight to control the House. Analysts have also called our race a “ tossup.” In fact, CA-45 is listed as one of only a handful of Republican-held tossup races in the entire country.

Our race is so tight that even Kevin McCarthy has had to step in. His super PAC alone is spending $2.7 million in attacks against me. Their gross attack ads are running on the airwaves in my community as you read this email.

But that’s not all we’re contending with. Michelle Steel’s campaign is now resorting to shameful, racist lies portraying me as a communist sympathizer. That’s her grand plan to capture momentum in the final days.

I won’t sugarcoat it, it’s been tough (and expensive) fighting back, but it’s clear they’re very nervous about our campaign. And with our FINAL end-of-month fundraising deadline coming up, we need to send a message that we won't back down and are ready to finish strong.

John, if you haven’t donated yet, NOW is the time to make a MAXIMUM impact with a donation of $3. Will you make your first contribution to help us meet our $45,000 goal? This is so important.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Michelle Steel is following the conventional GOP playbook. She's taking cash from corporate polluters, right-wing special interests, and then spending it on disgusting attacks.

On the other hand, we’re counting on grassroots contributions from people like you to win this race. Many might consider that a weakness, but I’d call that our biggest strength.

We’ve come so far, John. Help us close strong with a $3 donation today.

Thanks in advance,

