Democracy Needs Us

To Do List for John

✅ Coffee
✅ Check emails 
✅ Make fun weekend plans
❓ Vote early

It's Friday and you're almost through your to do list, John! But before you jump into the weekend, make sure you take a few minutes to make your voice heard by voting early, especially in honor of National Vote Early Day!

National Vote Early Day GIF

From Washington to Georgia and Arizona to Michigan, New American candidates are running to represent you and usher in a new era in our democracy. And with just over one week before Election Day, it is more important than ever that you vote early and encourage your friends and family to vote as well. Remember: every 👏 vote 👏 matters 👏

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and celebrate National Vote Early Day by making your voice heard!

Once you've voted, if you still want to do more, check out our list of NALAF endorsed candidates and sign up for a volunteer shift! With many of our endorsees in tight races, your support in these last few days is key to victory. By voting and volunteering, you'll not only get to flex your political power (send us a pic wearing your 'I Voted' sticker—we'll give you a shout out on our social media!), you'll also play a key role in creating a stronger, more inclusive democracy for all of us. 

I voted sticker GIF

Happy early voting!
Anne Flomenhaft
Political Manager
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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