Weekly Reads
“What Flint’s Water Crisis Taught Grant Makers About Dealing With Failing Government Services: Coordinate grant making. Listen closely to what residents need. Support well-being, not just health. Post capacity. Expand access to trustworthy information.” [more]
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
“[M]ost international disaster and humanitarian aid from foundations in the United States continues to bypass the local groups that can use it most effectively. A new report by Candid and the Council on Foundations found only 13 percent of U.S. philanthropy humanitarian funding ‘went directly to organizations based in the country where programs were implemented.’” [more]
Ben Smilowitz, Disaster Accountability Project and SmartResponse.org, for The Chronicle of Philanthropy
“Nonprofit leadership development isn’t an add-on for the [Community Memorial] Foundation. We believe that strengthening our grantees is critical to transforming our communities, so we invest significantly in this work.” [more]
Greg DiDomenico, Community Memorial Foundation, for Fund the People
“[W]e frequently hear hesitation because the kind of work needed to achieve racial equity can, for funders, feel slow, amorphous, hard to measure, even risky. ... Our recent research, ‘Unlocking Social Progress by Addressing Structural Racism,’ offers examples of how that happens.” [more]
Britt Savage, Cora Daniels, and Peter Kim, Bridgespan, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy