Friend -

In the last two days I have appeared on One America News, RT, TNT Radio with Patrick Hennington, and on The Duran.? Last week I gave an interview to Press TV about election fraud in the United States.? The campaign is finally breaking out, and more will be reported on tonight's symposium at 7:30 pm.

My guests tonight are leaders of the growing movement of young people who are mastering the economic policies and method of Lyndon LaRouche, and exposing the Green New Deal as the Malthusian genocide policy it truly is.? Don't miss it!

NY Symposium: Friday October 28 7:30 pm: The Next Generation is Resisting Green Fascsim


Schumer will Debate "No 'Pinion", But not LaRouche independent Diane Sare Unless You Demand It

Please call Senator Schumer's office at (212)486-4430 and Bob Hardt at Spectrum News NY1 (212)379-3311 to demand that Diane Sare be included in the October 30th debate.



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