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Pick one word.
Pick one word you believe sums up the significance of the Christian Century for your life. Incisive? Lively? Engaging? Thoughtful? Dependable? Faithful? Now, roll that word around inside your head before spitting it out with an exclamation point. If the magazine means a lot to you, you mean a lot to us. It’s that simple. Loyal readership fuels our hard work.

If you’re not yet a donor to this non-profit journalistic ministry, or you have room in your heart to give a year-end gift, you can make our day. Our operation depends on people who look, think, and act just like you. Give a gift before midnight tomorrow night (December 31) that expresses your appreciation for what we do. We’ll do a cartwheel of gratitude for your confidence in what we publish. The torque from that cartwheel + the kinetic energy of your gift = critical momentum for 2020. We depend on you.

Thanks for donating to the Century TODAY!

Peter W. Marty, Publisher
The Christian Century
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