From Haley Stevens <[email protected]>
Subject My favorite part
Date October 28, 2022 2:01 PM
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Team – in these last days before Election Day, I’ve been visiting every corner of MI-11 to energize supporters and spread my pro-worker, pro-Michigan message.

I want to show you some of the highlights of my voter outreach efforts, but first, will you chip in $20 before our end-of-month deadline so I can continue reaching the voters that will determine this critical election every day until November 8th?

Chip in >> [link removed]

Throughout this campaign, I’ve talked with thousands of voters, and I can’t wait to talk with even more as Election Day draws closer.

Whether I’m having a casual conversation at the Birmingham Farmers Market, an important discussion on supporting unions in Michigan, or campaigning with Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, getting out in the field is one of my favorite parts of running for Congress.

But reaching every voter we can in MI-11 doesn’t come easy. Please, can I count on your $20 contribution before our end-of-month deadline to help me continue having conversations with voters and drive up turnout in our battleground state?

Chip in $20 >> [link removed]

Other Amount >> [link removed]

– Haley

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States
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