I just wanted to check in and share an update on our campaign. There's been a lot going on, and it's important that we focus on the progress we can achieve.
First, I want to thank you for the support and generosity that you have shown our re-election campaign. Because of you, we are giving hope to put the financial security of Delaware first and help provide opportunity for all of our communities.
Delaware is a stronger, more financially stable state. I have proved my ability to balance our community's needs with the very real necessity of financial security and incentives for businesses.
We've helped Delaware turn a $225 million shortfall into a $1.12 billion surplus. We've secured the highest return on investment with the lowest financial services fees in the nation. Now we're helping working families retire with dignity.
I have shown that you can trust me to guard our finances with the utmost care. I have shown that I will do everything in my power to protect my home state and the people who live in it.
Treasurer Colleen Davis has earned a reputation as a principled innovative and practical servant, focused on some of the most important issues confronting Delaware; economy, fiscal policy and wellbeing.
Colleen’s personal background and professional experience has allowed her to uniquely understand the challenges faced by people and stakeholders of all backgrounds.
As Treasurer, she has cultivated honest, trusting relationships that allow her to serve as a conduit between Delawareans and policy makers to ensure our financial planning puts people first.