Victoria Rosenberg is bad for children. Sign this petition to get her fired immediately. Let's give it back to them. In her letter to parents, Rosenberg argues that parents and teachers “have all been socialized with the same poison of whiteness.” She also advocates for the integration of “anti-racist teaching into all subjects at all grade levels” on the basis that it will give white students more “exposure” to “racially stressful encounters.” She believes that to be white is inherently evil, which is exactly what anti-racism is all about. Anti Racism, is actually just Racism against white people. Imagine if a teacher wrote a letter that described the poison of blackness!! They would be instantly fired and probably sued immediately. But when a teacher calls whiteness poison, we are expected to shut up and take it. I don't think so.
Victoria Rosenberg is bad for children. Sign this petition to get her fired immediately. Let's give it back to them.
We should be teaching students to love one another and to look past the color of our skin and see the person and the individual on the inside. Instead, teachers all over the country such as in Victoria only want students to see each other for their color, and not for their true identity, humanity, or character.
Cheers, Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Critical Race theory is a real and present danger in our schools. It is fostering an environment of hatred, guilt, and false history in our classrooms. It is primarily dangerous for white students, who are now the targets of racist zealots, like teacher Victoria Rosenberg, who teaches middle school English at the NAIS-affiliated St. Matthew’s Parish School. Victoria Rosenberg has decided that she hates "whiteness" and has called it "poison." SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Critical Race theory is a real and present danger in our schools. It is fostering an environment of hatred, guilt, and false history in our classrooms. It is primarily dangerous for white students, who are now the targets of racist zealots, like teacher Victoria Rosenberg, who teaches middle school English at the NAIS-affiliated St. Matthew’s Parish School. Victoria Rosenberg was hired to teach students English. She was hired to educate, and foster an environment of acceptance, and kindness within her classroom, as is every teacher's responsibility. Instead, she has decided to push her radical leftist agenda on her innocent students, who are in middle school. These kids are 13 years old and should be safe from political predators like Victoria. Victoria Rosenberg has decided that she hates "whiteness" and has called it "poison." Even more shocking, she has decided that she wants to subject her students to "racially stressful encounters" which are aimed at maximizing "'white guilt" and driving the critical race theory worldview even further.
Victoria Rosenberg is bad for children. Sign this petition to get her fired immediately. Let's give it back to them.
In her letter to parents, Rosenberg argues that parents and teachers “have all been socialized with the same poison of whiteness.” She also advocates for the integration of “anti-racist teaching into all subjects at all grade levels” on the basis that it will give white students more “exposure” to “racially stressful encounters.” She believes that to be white is inherently evil, which is exactly what anti-racism is all about. Anti Racism, is actually just Racism against white people. Imagine if a teacher wrote a letter that described the poison of blackness!! They would be instantly fired and probably sued immediately. But when a teacher calls whiteness poison, we are expected to shut up and take it. I don't think so.
Victoria Rosenberg is bad for children. Sign this petition to get her fired immediately. Let's give it back to them.
Victoria Rosenberg is a racist. She thinks white people are poisoned, privileged, and undeserving of equal treatment as a result. What's worse is that she is supposed to be educating students who are young and vulnerable. Should a student have to go to school and be ridiculed because of the color of his skin? Should students apologize for who they are and how God created them? If you asked Victoria Rosenberg, she would say absolutely. She is not interested in teaching truth and helping students realize their dreams and potential, she cares only for politics and is trying to indoctrinate her students. We have the power to get her fired so that no student has to go to school thinking that they are somehow evil, and poison because of the color of their skin. Sign this petition to fire Victoria Rosenberg. She doesn't deserve to be a teacher. We should be teaching students to love one another and to look past the color of our skin and see the person and the individual on the inside. Instead, teachers all over the country such as in Victoria only want students to see each other for their color, and not for their true identity, humanity, or character. I have had enough. Have you? We should demand that schools not allow this type of ideology in their classrooms. The only way to recover our schools, and our education system, is to take action against the vile ideologues who have snuck in.
Sign this petition to fire Victoria Rosenberg and demand that racist teachers should not be allowed in schools. Thanks for all you do, Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team --