The candidate getting the most votes nationwide should become President
If you agree that the President should be the candidate who gets the most popular votes nationwide, please support the critical "Yes on National Popular Vote" campaign.
National Popular Vote's opponents spent over $1,000,000 to force a statewide vote in Colorado. They are forcing the voters to re-approve the National Popular Vote law that passed the Colorado legislature and was signed into law by the Governor earlier this year. They want to undo the Colorado law because they can see that the National Popular Vote legislation is close to coming into effect nationally. Don't let them stop National Popular Vote in its tracks! Regardless of where you live, please support the all-important Yes On National Popular Vote campaign in Colorado.
Please take a moment and use our convenient email system to send emails to your state legislators asking them to support the National Popular Vote bill in your state.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.