But we need your support

Your gift helps make smiles like these possible!

I wanted to check in quickly before the end of the day.

There is so much we can do to support athletes right now: scheduling events, distributing equipment and scheduling life-changing health screenings. 

Can we count on you at this pivotal moment to help ensure athletes have every opportunity to flourish on and off the field?

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I can donate $300 >>

Special Olympics believes that every athlete with intellectual disabilities (ID) should have the chance to experience the excitement, joy, and thrill of learning a new sport and becoming a part of a team - and with your support today, we can make that dream a reality. 

The world needs more people like you, and we hope you’ll step up today. Thanks for helping to build a more inclusive future for us all.

In gratitude, 

Megan Wolf
Senior Manager, Digital Fundraising & Strategy