Washington D.C. needs reform of its criminal code, and that may be within reach. The City Council's Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety has sent to the full City Council a Revised Criminal Code Act.
Currently 70% of those imprisoned by Washington are locked up for a decade or longer. Fewer than half of Washingtonians are black, yet 96% of those imprisoned for over 15 years are black men.
The Revised Criminal Code Act would eliminate nearly all mandatory minimum sentences, set maximum sentences at 45 years, and enable people who committed their crime at age 25 and up to have their sentence reviewed by a judge after serving 20 years.
This is a matter of bringing policy into line with long-known facts rather than political theater. It's no secret that "tough on crime" policies are not effective at reducing crime. Extreme prison terms do not deter crime. Most people age out of crime. Mass incarceration does horrible, pointless damage to individuals and communities.
Click here to email the D.C. City Council and Mayor.

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-- The RootsAction.org Team
>> DC News Now: "Members of DC Council support efforts to revise criminal code; bill heads to full council"
>> Charles Allen: "DC Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety to Vote"
>> Nazgol Ghandnoosh: "D.C. considers a revamp to its criminal justice system based on science"
>> Talk World Radio: "Irvin Waller on Ending Violent Crime"