Dear CV Friend,
As we look forward to a new
year and a new decade, I want to thank you for all that we accomplished in 2019.
Join me in recapping our wins in this special video message.
With your
help, we successfully:
- Produced 53 episodes of CatholicVote TV (CVTV)
- Grew THE LOOP readership by 50%
- Garnered front-page coverage in the Wall Street Journal for our voter
mobilization program
- Gave critical legal
support to Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann and other high profile legal cases
These accomplishments lay the groundwork for all we want to achieve in 2020—a key
election year when Catholic voter turnout will be the largest in our nation’s history. And we need your help to make it happen.
Now is the
perfect time to donate. Start the new year by signing up as a
monthly supporter. Can you commit to just $10 per month to help advance our mission to inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of
our faith in public life?
Chip in here.
Thanks to you, we are having greater impact than ever in the fight for faith, family, and
freedom in America.
Merry Christmas on behalf of all of us at CatholicVote.
P.S. If you would like to mail a gift, send it to: P.O. Box 259837
Madison, WI 53725