The policies Ilhan stands for are popular, bold, and exactly what working people across the nation voted for in 2020.

Ilhan for Congress

Friends —

Ilhan is running for re-election in Minnesota’s 5th District — but with the way far-right Republican candidates everywhere are plastering her photos on their mailers and TV ads, you’d think she was running all over the country.

The GOP has always tried to paint Ilhan as “too progressive” or “radical” in order to rally their right-wing base. They often either exaggerate or flat-out lie about her policy positions — all so they can try to unseat Democrats and weaken progressive power.

We can’t let that happen. The reality is that the policies Ilhan stands for are popular, bold, and exactly what working people across the nation voted for in 2020.

That’s why we’re reaching out today: Before our campaign’s last end-of-month fundraising deadline of the election, can you pitch in any amount to fight back against GOP misinformation, elect progressives at every level of government, and keep Ilhan in Congress?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Ilhan has worked day in and day out in Congress to pass policies like protecting abortion rights, raising the minimum wage, lowering healthcare and prescription drug costs, taking climate action, canceling student debt, and more.

We’ve made incredible progress on these issues, and it’s a threat to Republicans. That’s why conservative super PACs spent big in her Democratic primary and nearly succeeded at defeating her, and it’s why Republicans across the country are now making Ilhan and other progressives the “villains” in their attack ads to try to turn people away from our movement.

Republican super PACs are even pouring $11 million more into ads like this at the last minute to try to take back the House and roll back progress that leaders like Ilhan have fought for from day one.

This is all on top of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy making promises to his far-right base that he’d remove Ilhan and other Democrats from their committees to try to silence them in Congress.

So, please pitch in anything you can toward our end-of-month goal so we have the resources to counter these attacks and continue our work towards transformative change >>

Thank you,

Team Ilhan