Hi friends, it’s Greg Landsman. I’m a Democrat running in a must-win red-to-blue race, and I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
We’re running a substantive, issue-driven campaign with a strong, positive message. Can I have just a moment of your time to tell you about it?
I know it’s a Thursday evening, so if you don’t have time, please chip in just $25 toward our movement to unseat GOP Rep. Chabot and bring family-first representation to OH-01. We’re 12 days out from Election Day, and are 5 points up against Chabot — let’s keep it up >>
Friends, I’m a former public school teacher.
Working with students and families ignited my dedication to public service — and it’s why I care so much about representing the interests of our working families.
Before I was elected to City Council, I led the charge to pass the Cincinnati Preschool Promise. This program provides two years of quality preschool for three and four year olds.
I think of my own family — my two children — when I'm advocating for better housing policy and raising our wages. I’ve always fought for their best interests.
I know how to get results for families — my Trump Republican opponent Congressman Chabot does not.
- My opponent has taken the second most direct support from the NRA out of ALL members of the House of Representatives.
- My opponent voted twice to acquit Donald Trump.
- My opponent is an extreme anti-choice Republican.
- My opponent voted more times than I can count to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Chabot’s retirement from Congress is long overdue.
That’s why I’m running to replace him and fight for the children and families of Ohio, because our leaders should represent us — not cower to Trump and his loyalists.
If you’re with me, can I count on you to chip in just $25 toward my October goal today? Republicans have dumped $2.5 million in attack ads in our district to defeat me, and this seat is the key to keeping the House. Help us finish strong with a $25 donation now >>
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Thank you,
— Greg Landsman
Democratic Nominee for OH-01