
This is very exciting: We have plans for a massive new campaign to defeat the most corrupt Members of Congress next year so we can pass reform. 

But we need your support to make it possible: Help DEFEAT the biggest corruptors from coast-to-coast in 2020 with a one-time or recurring donation. If every person who opened this email gave just $5, we would fully meet our end-of-the-year goal to fund our plan.

Here’s the deal: By defeating the most corrupt Members of Congress we can win a majority needed to pass critical reform to fix our democracy. And holding those Members accountable for their voting record, directly to their constituents, is the best way to do that.

It’s clear where Members of Congress stand: Republican Members of Congress sold out their voters to their big donors when they voted to pass the tax scam in 2017, giving a nearly $2 trillion payoff to their wealthy donors and big corporations. Then, the same Republican Members of Congress doubled down against democracy and voted to keep the system rigged for their big donors when they opposed HR1, the For the People Act. And Mitch McConnell refused to even bring the bill to a vote in the Senate.

HR1 would stop gerrymandering, protect voting rights for all, and end the influence of big money in politics by overturning Citizens United and implementing public financing for federal campaigns.

But apparently, EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN Member of Congress thinks that’s a bad idea.


So we want to let you know what we have planned. We want to take on, and DEFEAT, as many of the Members of Congress who sold us out as possible so we can elect a majority that will pass reform.

But our ability to do that depends on you. The scope of our campaign - and it has to be a big one - with the strongest messaging we’ve used to date - depends on the number of donations we get NOW.

Here’s just the initial list of senators we have to take on in order to be successful:

Mitch McConnell (R, KY) ❌

Susan Collins (R, ME) ❌

Cory Gardner (R, CO) ❌

Thom Tillis (R, NC) ❌

These are some of the most corrupt Members of Congress - but this list is just a start.

With your help we can expand our target list and make the biggest impact possible - we need to take on at least 20 of the most corrupt Members of Congress to make sure our message is being heard nationally and to ensure that we win the necessary number of seats in Congress in order to pass reform.

Your donation helps fund the following parts of our plan:

We’re excited because we’re building on our massive Clean the House tour and our successful efforts on the state and national levels this year. By pushing hard to pass HR1, we were able to get Members of Congress on the record on reform. When you combine that with their vote on the 2017 tax scam, it’s clear where they stand.

By taking on, and making examples out of the most corrupt Members of Congress, we’ll send a message across the country that can’t be ignored: If you sell out your voters to your big donors, you’ll pay the price.

That’s just the start of our plan, but we wanted to fill you in on some details before we get to the end of the year. We’re very excited with what we have in store - but we need your help to expand our list of targets and make sure this is a huge success.

If every person who opened this email gave just $5, we would fully meet our end-of-the-year goal to fund our plan. Please consider helping with a donation if possible and we’ll keep you updated as our campaigns progress.

Most of all: Thank you! We’re really excited about 2020 because the stakes, and the battle lines are so clear - now all we have to do is put our plan into action.

Thank you for all you do,

The MAYDAY America Team



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MAYDAY America
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20006
United States

Paid for by MAYDAY America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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