Dear Friend,
As-Salaamu Alaykum (peace be to you).
Among the many issues we dealt with in 2019, some stand out
for their significance and impact.
Watch the short video below highlighting five top issues from the
past year and then donate to help CAIR continue to address what is
important to you, your family and the American Muslim community in
The Top 5 Stories of 2019 (CAIR)
All donations to CAIR are fully tax-deductible/zakat-eligible (Tax
ID# 77-0646756) and are eligible for employer matching programs.
Donate by 12/31/19 for a 2019 tax deduction.
If you would like to deduct your gift from your 2019 taxes, please
be sure to make your donation online at
by Dec. 31, 2019; or if mailing a check, be sure it is postmarked by
Dec. 31, 2019.
The CAIR Team