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Hi John,

We can’t pretend that anything other than long-term, systemic change is going to solve our housing crisis. It’s going to require political will and a newfound commitment to each other. We will have to fight head-on powerful corporate and developer interests, and they always have each others’ backs. But never ours.

Where do we even start?

I have a proposal—it’s time to shift the debate.

Add your name if you agree: Housing is a human right.


Corporations and developers hate that statement. They want to increase their profits by selling and renting property for as much as they possibly can, even if the consequence is that too many of us can’t afford what they’re selling.

We have to make the case that housing isn’t just for the rich; it’s for everyone.

Because recognizing that housing is a human right shifts the debate from profits to people.

Once we agree that housing is a human right, the only issue is how we can go about making sure that everyone gets the safe, stable, and affordable housing required to protect human right.

Join with me in declaring that housing is a human right. Sign my petition here and help me start shifting the debate on affordable housing.


Thank you for joining me in shifting the debate on affordable housing.

In solidarity,

Alexandra Hunt


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