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We're Almost Out of Time!

The midterm elections have already started and our sister organization, Spread The Vote + Project ID, just reached an incredible milestone. They've now helped over 10,000 individuals get the IDs they need to vote and for life. 

This is an amazing accomplishment! But we think it would be even more amazing if this work was no longer necessary. That's why we're letting everyone know just how life-changing the IDs for an Inclusive Democracy Act will be for so many Americans. 

The time to act is definitely now, and we hope that you'll get involved. 

A great way to get started is to be an advocate for PIDAF. 

Support PIDAF
Our endorsed candidates also need your support. Please learn more about their campaigns and consider giving them a hand. The great thing about textbanking and phonebanking is that you can do it from anywhere!

Don't wait until it's too late! Let's do our part to get IDs into the hands of all Americans, this election and beyond!
Donate Now
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