Did you see this email? People are stepping up left and right to show Governor Walz they have his back before the final debate, but we haven’t seen your name come through yet.
The work we do over the next twelve days will shape the future of our state for generations to come. We can’t leave any doubt that we’re ready to win on November 8.
Please send a donation of any amount that works for you to stand with Governor Walz before the last debate of the election tomorrow >>
[Express Lane Links]
Thank you,
Berrett Gall
Finance Director
Tim Walz for Governor
FIRST: Donald Trump endorsed our extremist opponent Scott Jensen.
THEN: hours after, we learned that national Republicans started to pour money into the race to try to defeat Governor Walz.
NOW: Governor Walz’s third and final debate with Scott Jensen is tomorrow and we still need more than 3,500 grassroots supporters to help us hit our goal and prove that we have the momentum to carry us to victory in November.
Can you make a contribution of any amount before Friday’s debate?
This is one of the closest governors races in the country with three of the last four polls showing that we’re statistically tied with Scott Jensen and Matt Birk. We can’t let them win.
Thank you for your support,
Team Walz-Flanagan for Minnesota
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Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have overcome unprecedented challenges to provide historic investments in education, create new, good-paying jobs, and increase access to health care. And with your help, they can defeat their extremist Republican opponents and continue to move our state forward, as one Minnesota. Can you pitch in $5 now to help them stop extremism and keep Minnesota in DFL hands?
You can learn more about how to vote in Minnesota here. If you’re concerned about casting your ballot, please reach out to the DFL Voter Protection Hotline at (833) DFL-VOTE or (833) 335-8683.
Contributions or gifts to Tim Walz for Governor are not tax deductible. The maximum contribution for 2021-2022 is $4,000 per individual or $8,000 per couple. We cannot accept contributions from corporations or LLCs. We are required to collect and report the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per year.
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Prepared and paid for by Tim Walz for Governor
Tim Walz for Governor
P.O. Box 4337
St. Paul MN 55104 United States