Funding Alert: October Issue
The Funding Alert is a free resource produced by Serve DC highlighting grant opportunities and resources for community-based, faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and District government agencies. In response to the District’s current public health emergency, the Funding Alert also includes coronavirus (COVID-19) related funding opportunities!
For all current District Government agency grant opportunities, click here to visit the District Grants Clearinghouse.
For all current District volunteer opportunities, click here to visit the Volunteer and Donation Portal.
 Funding Feature
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development (DMPED), the Employment Center Vitality and Local Jobs Creation Fund (Vitality Fund)
Offered by the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development (DMPED), the Employment Center Vitality and Local Jobs Creation Fund (Vitality Fund) assists established businesses within targeted sectors with active projects looking to to relocate, expand, or stay in Washington, DC.
The Vitality Fund is a new tool that will enhance DC’s competitiveness in attracting new, high-growth companies to the District by providing grants to employers with 25 or more employees that commit to locating in the Vitality Fund Target Area and hiring and contracting locally.
To be considered for a financial incentive from District Government, including the Vitality Fund, please complete the Vitality Fund Intake Form.
If your company meets standard eligibility criteria based on the information provided, a DMPED Project Manager will contact you regarding next steps in the application process. Applications are now open!!
Serve DC Highlights!
On October 15th, Serve DC’s Chief Service Officer Alexis Squire @iamasquire attended @oladcgov 46th Annual #NocheCuturalCeremony in honor of #hispanicheritagemonth where she was surprised with the @mayor_bowser #SOMOSDC award for Good Governance, citing leadership in addressing some of DC’s greatest challenges , including COVID-19 response and recovery, and efforts to create dignified supports and solutions for individuals and families arriving within the city in most vulnerable ways. Check out the full post at the link below!
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Board Position: 3-year Term on Serve DC's Commission for National and Community Service:
Serve DC is looking for engaged residents to join the Commission for National and Community Service. The Commission's purpose is to encourage community service and volunteer participation as a means of community and state problem-solving; to promote and support voluntary citizen involvement in government and private programs throughout the District of Columbia; to develop a comprehensive vision and strategic plan for community service initiatives in the District of Columbia; and to serve as the District's liaison between national and other state organizations in concert with the District of Columbia strategic plan.
Interested residents engaged in the nonprofit, youth, philanthropic, business, and labor communities are particularly encouraged to apply.