John, Emailing you about a very real problem: we don't have enough volunteers in the Twin Cities to reach our GOTV goals.


Emailing you about a very real problem: we don't have enough volunteers in the Twin Cities to reach our GOTV goals.

Right now, the DFL is behind track of where we projected to be at this time. We are 537 shifts behind in Minneapolis and 489 shifts behind our goal for Saint Paul.

Our victory depends on a strong turnout in the Twin Cities metro. And with polling showing our race is still a dead heat, our #1 strategic imperative for a Keith victory is turnout out the base in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding suburbs. We can't forget our own backyards that Keith, Tim, and Peggy are counting on to win.

That only gets done, and we only win, with those thousands of door knockers. We need you to be one of them. Sign up at to knock in your community, chat with your neighbors, and make sure we get every vote we can cast for Keith and DFLers up and down the ticket. 

So much is at stake in this election. Let’s re-elect Keith as the People’s Lawyer so every Minnesotan can live with dignity, safety, and respect. 

See you on the doors. 

Jeanne Stuart

Campaign Manager
Keith Ellison for Attorney General



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States