[2]Dream Corps
#cut50 is a program of Dream Corps
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Everyone who thinks real change is impossible needs to know about Susie
Smith. Susie spent more than a decade behind bars -- until the First Step
Act happened.
We brought conservatives who value liberty together with progressives
fighting for justice. And the result was help for marginalized and
long-suffering communities. Now, the First Step Act we fought for is law,
and Susie is home. More than 10,000 people are out from behind bars, and
more are on their way – thanks to what we did together.
But if you think our work is done, you need to know the rest of Susie’s
story. Because her two sons are still serving life sentences, and she
won’t stop fighting until they are home. We won’t stop working, either –
but we are running out of time to hit our goal before the year-end
[ [link removed] ]Help us hit our $200,000 goal with a tax-deductible gift before January
Our #cut50 program has ambitious plans for 2020:
* Fight in Washington, D.C. to fully fund and implement the historic
First Step Act, while continuing to push for federal reforms
addressing prosecutorial misconduct, clemency and pardons, jailhouse
informants, education for the incarcerated and more.
* Work state-by-state to pass legislation reforming parole and bail,
guaranteeing dignity to incarcerated women and workers, and reduce
incarceration of young people.
* Build our Empathy Network and engage in Intense organizing to support
the more than 10,000 people freed under the First Step Act and
continue advocating for criminal justice reform.
The mass incarceration system today looks too much like America’s ugly
founding reality – and our society still doesn’t reflect America’s
beautiful founding dream of liberty and justice for all.
That’s where Dream Corps comes in. As #cut50 closes prison doors, Green
for All and Dream Corps Tech are opening doors of opportunity to the tech
sector and a green economy that works for everyone. All this work starts
with donations of time, love, energy and support from people like you.
There are less than 48 hours left and we still haven’t hit our $200,000
goal. If you want to help fuel this life-changing work and make the
American dream a little bit more real, we need your help now.
[ [link removed] ]Make your year-end tax-deductible gift now.
Very few movements can point to real, tangible victories that changed the
lives of people in pain. We can – and it’s thanks to you.
Now, our task is to take the faith in deep patriotism that made the First
Step Act possible and infuse it into all our work. Are you ready to help
once more?
Thank you for all you do,
- Nisha and the Dream Corps Team
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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612
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