Final stretch for 2019


For the past 16 years, it has been my honor to lead the Innocence Project. Throughout that time, I have been humbled and amazed by people like you, who go above and beyond to advocate for the innocent.

Whether you work on wrongful convictions yourself, help spread the word about our cases and reforms, or support our work financially, you have helped free hundreds of innocent people and change laws and policies to prevent wrongful convictions from happening in the first place. And it truly means the world to me.

Before I leave next month, I have one final request of you: Will you make a tax-deductible year-end gift today? Any contribution you make today will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous donor who has agreed to match all donations through the end of the year.

Maddy deLone (center) with the Innocence Project Exoneree Advisory Council.

$10 becomes $20
$30 becomes $60
$50 becomes $100
$100 becomes $200
Donate another amount
Every client we’ve been able to exonerate and every policy reform we’ve achieved has been made possible because of people like you who power this work — so thank you. While I’m sad to be ending the chapter of my time leading the Innocence Project next month, I know I’m leaving this work in good hands.

Thank you,

Maddy deLone
Executive Director
Innocence Project
Started in 1992 as a legal clinic at Cardozo School of Law, the Innocence Project is now an independent nonprofit, affiliated with Cardozo, that exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

Copyright © 2019 Innocence Project, All rights reserved.
[email protected]

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